The I_USE website has a series of tools, and one in particular is ground-breaking.
It offers users the chance to create their own maps by entering data into a simple interface on the site. This produces an interactive map which has more flexibility than any previous tool.
Global maps can be produced in seconds to show data that has been collected by users, or obtained from other sources.
We have now placed the code for these tools on the GITHUB site, which is a repository of code that can be used by developers. The relevant page where the code has been placed is HERE.
This is very rare for a project with our EU funding, and is done in the spirit of collaboration, and to also bridge the gap between education and technology.
We're excited to see what developers might do with the code, and blur the distinction between education and cutting edge technology. It's very rare for projects with the EU LLP funding that we have to share code openly in this way. Another example of I_USE exploring new avenues...
You can give the tool a go on our developers page here which is a version of the page on the full I-USE website.
Thanks to our wonderful colleagues Alex Kotsev and Veselin Vasilev for their work on the coding and documentation.
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