Saturday, 25 January 2014


On the I-USE website, we have started to provide guides to some of the more popular websites and apps which relate to statistical literacy across a range of curriculum subjects.
One quick way to test your statistical literacy is to have a go at the QUIZ from the home page of the EUROSTAT website.
Choose a theme and test yourself against the clock...

I-USE website taking shape

If you haven't been to see our website for a while then you won't have seen the changes that we've made to it.

We're adding new features all the time now as the project prepares to move into its second year. We've got our new TOOLKIT taking shape, which will help to make sense of statistical data for you.
There are other sections of the website which will be developed through this year.

Readymade tables (EU and World statistics)

Databases (Eurostat, World Bank, Google data, Gapminder)

Tools (Collecting your own data, Using statistical tools with video guides)

Use (How to use statistics in different subjects, Quantitative and qualitative data, Examples of misuse

Resources (Best practice and Course materials)


New logo....

This will be appearing on all the activity that we get up to in 2014 and 2015.
More on that to come shortly...
Check out the website if you haven't visited recently.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Statistical literacy - some Geography contexts...

It's important to make clear that unlike most of the projects that I'm currently involved in, and am likely to be involved in, this is not a geography project.

Statistical literacy is a skill that is required by all students, and would be best taught in all subjects, so that students became aware of the literacy elements that were relevant.
The previous post which refers to the work of Hans Rosling is a reminder that numbers are of vital importance if we want to fully understand the world, and the way that it works.

Which areas of geography are you particularly focussing on at the moment.
Where does statistical literacy come into the work that you are doing ?